In Chapter 1 called "What is Literacy 2.0 and What Happened to Literacy 1.0?" it briefly explains what Literacy 2.0 is and how Literacy 1.0 has evolved with our new technological advances. When starting to read this chapter, it was interesting to read how the chapter starts off with Ben, a child who is under the category of being "High Risk" and it questioned how Ben's life would be in 2025 with all the advances of technology with reading and writing.
When reading "The New Literacies of Reading, Writing, and Communicating," it explains how "children today are digital natives" (Pg4.) It was interesting to know that there is such a high percentage of kids that are spending almost 90 minutes average by using their computers at home whether it may be doing homework or for using it to look at social media. Children now a days have already been introduced to technology and have more knowledge on how to use it then adults. I have seen 5 year-olds take their parents cellphones and start playing games and it just amazes me how this is happening. I have seen in classrooms how iPads are now being used to help students do research for their projects. When I was younger all we had were the computers and we could only use it for a half an hour. "...teachers have acquired an in-depth knowledge of the content and pedagogy required to support children in learning to read traditional print. To prepare children to read, write, and communicate in digital environments, however, teachers must understand the affordances and constraints of this new context" (pg. 4). As teachers we will need to be trained with understanding how to use the simple printed text and then how to use the technological context. As teachers we need to take into consideration that having students use technology will benefit them but we need them to also be familiar with printed text.
I am excited to see what the future may hold with technology. I think the technology that we have now in 2018 will be different as it will be expanding in reading and writing within the classrooms in many more years to come. I found this chapter very useful because it gave me the information and gave me differences of what technology has done throughout the years.